Monday, August 23, 2010


could it be??? A real live posting???? Truly a sign of the end times is nigh

Saturday, December 13, 2008

the death of hustle

You, entering the crosswalk while it already been blinking "don't walk" for like ten times, pick up the pace a bit. Hey bicyclist riding down the middle of the street, take it outta second will ya? What the hell? If you don't want to get where you going why did you leave in the first place?
I tell ya we could you a man like Pete Rose again.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

going mobile 2

Now that winter is coming no more freezing in the basement just to check emails.

going mobile

this is my first post via our wireless router and my iPod touch. It's so cool I can hardly stand it.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


We finally had a nice non-working weekend at the camp! We invited our potluck group (the taste buds) over for a wiener roast and s'mores smack down. There wasn't an official tasting, everyone just ended up sharing stuff. Nutella makes a good smore!

Here's the campsite in full use. The "S" family stayed in the old canvas tent while the "C&H" family set up their fancy pants high-faluting spring-pole free-standing nylon tent complete with doggy door in the back! :-) I tell ya, tying down tent stakes is a dying art, altho' a bit of rain did move through so we ended up staking down a tarp over the tent anyway.

First time visitors were impressed by the view and will be more impressed come next year after I spend the winter taking out a few select trees with my new Husqvarna chainsaw (VVRRRMRMMMM!!! gonna be neat!)

Probably the biggest thrill was a visit by the local pilated woodpecker. He made his usual monkey like call and then circled camp a few times. He then perched on the snag down at the bend in the driveway. Pretty rare bird but hopefully will make frequent stops at camp, we seem to be in the middle of his territory.

And after all had left and we'd finished cleaning up camp a group of eagles drifted over catching the thermals...really pretty neat.

A good time was had by all.