Saturday, September 22, 2007

I'm done with them

Over, the end, no mas, fin. I cannot and will not support the Democrats anymore. I was never officially a dem anyway but Ha! there's zero chance now. All I heard was "oh vote us in, vote us in and will change things" and yet it seems things are the same if not actually worse. "EARTH TO CONGRESS: YOU ARE NOW IN POWER!" This time waster with the MoveOn ad is just the straw that beat the dead horse or something along those lines. (The horse died when the Democratic Party wouldn't even support the DEMOCRATIC candidate for Conn. Senator! W T F???)
So short of actually voting for the "other" (as if there is more than one) party I'm not lifting a finger to help them out. The only D candidates for prez that are even remotely in line with my thinking are the ones the media and their fellow dem's have labeled "unelectable." Umm yeah...with over half the population saying "get out sooner than later" those are the unelectable candidates.
So anyway when there's obvious and widespread voting fraud and Hilary nobly concedes "for the good of bi-partisanship" don't cry on my shoulder.

Friday, September 21, 2007

New Job II

OK so after 10 days at the new gig I guess they are keeping me. I'm at Bar Codes West doing customer service rep. stuff: order entry, processing and generally making sure it gets out. But there's also a bit of inside sales, following up on customers that haven't ordered in awhile to see if they need a new run, etc. I start flying solo on Monday, I've got the sales programs down no problem, now I just need to focus on learning the right questions to ask customers so their order gets going right from the start. Shouldn't take too long before it's all old hat.
So far the coworkers seem pretty cool and professional, a far far cry from my last job where everyone basically did as little as possible (I'm being very charitable here too). My commute is averaging 14 minutes and I've driven less miles in one full week then what I'd do in 2 days. (Note to self: call car insurance people to see if I get a better rate now)
So far so good... ask me again after I get my first commission check.