Sunday, April 01, 2007

Angus Podgorny, what do y'mean?

So last weekend we went to the Moisture Festival (variete/vaudeville/comedy sort of thing) and one of the sponsors was/is Utilikilts. So at each show they hold a drawing for a gift certificate to the afore mentioned UK and och! don't ya ken I won! After researching the styles and such on their site yesterday we went down and I picked out a black Utility style ( kind of a utility belt kilt ) 'Tis nice! I'm gonna put it to good use this summer building decks and such on the property. Mom said that great (great?) grandmother Glen would be proud!

Well I'm off to have a black pudding and watch "Mrs. Brown."

Oh my head

That Anchor Old Foghorn, Scuttlebut Old No. 1, Pacific Rim Castaway and Great Divide Old Ruffian are some mean barleywines....