Sunday, June 15, 2008

Deck part 2

Just got back from the Peak where we attempted to finish up the outrigger part of the deck. The rain fly gets tied down to the uprights in case anyone was wondering. Alas what I thought were full batteries were not, either that or the circular saw sucks up the juice like nothing else. After sawing out all the pieces to spec during the actual assembly the drill only had enough power to drive screws for two (of six) uprights. On the plus side at least we have all the wood cut and with full packs we'll have the rest up in no time. The pics are of the deck as it was after the last post. And the close up of the level is an actual unretouched photo. In case it's not clear that bubble is level!

So after the next trip over Independence day (Take that Queenie baby!) we'll have the full on tent up and done! So close, three years of planning is down to less than a month.

ps wildlife watch; we saw three eagles circling overhead, 2 parents and an immature one, really pretty cool...

Update: I almost forgot, we put up a picnic table as well. High livin' for us. No more wobbly little table thing, no more plate on the lap and beer on the ground where it's liable to get kicked over...