Saturday, November 12, 2005

tasting part deux

"and I said "You're gonna have to search me cause I don't know where the money is..."


Neighborhood Association Beer Tasting!!!
good beers.....
best new beer: Silver City IPA and Winter bock: both very good
best old beer: Sierra Nevada Celebration ale: great balance on everything
best beer I didn't have: Far West Brewing something-vintr ale: they ran out before I tried it.

and surprise! surprise! surprise! ran into my cousin Marianne and her .... Denny. Who would have thunk it??? Marianne and Denny at a beer tasting??? Wonders never cease.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Hard Work

This blogging thing is hard work especially when work work keeps intefering....

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Great Commission Statement

Why am I doing this? Basically I want to get off my duff and do something! I'm sick of just passively watching the world spin down in what appears to be a great flaming death spiral not unlike that model airplane I torched when I was 9. So I've just had it; I have to do something. So by gum I'm starting a blog! (That showed 'em)

Main topics I hope to address (in no particular order):

Obviously I'm steering away from anything controversial.
