Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

So 2006 ended w/ a pop of a bottle of 1999 Cristal courtsy of work (long story short: I won it). And the verdict? Clean, crisp, beautiful color but maybe it's my palate but not a lot going on. As the kama'aina chocolatier said "It's not big." So worth $260? Only if I'm not buying. Time to move onto the other champagne houses top end stuff.

re: palate It could be something specific about whites. In red's I can taste the berries, fruits, earthy flavors, etc. but in whites the lighter notes can get lost. Like the Pete Mike the enologist brought for the wedding: lemon curd? honey?? melon??? Didn't get any of that "mmm white wine flavor" (disclosure: dinner yesterday was pasta w/ a pesto cream sauce, garlic foccacia, green salad w/ walnuts and vinegrette and a pinot noir and also orange water...but I did allow like 10 minutes before opening the bubbly.)

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Ford's Funeral

Are you kidding me??? Shrub couldn't be bothered to end his vacation to come into town for Ford's funeral??? As the kids today say "OMG!" Imagine the media outcry if Clinton hadn't shown up at Nixon's. Even Nixon showed up at LBJ's. After the smack down he got at Reagan's tho' maybe he figured to hang out on the ranch "clearing brush."