Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Xmas is here!

or using the archaic pronunciation: Christmas is here! Peace on Earth, Goodwill towards men and all that jazz, the important stuff is what one scored! The fat man in red was quite jolly this year: A gift certificate to Sur la Table, courtesy of Amy, Thank you! Bannetons are always needed. A book about squirrels from the guy who did "Bigfoot, in me own words" should be good. A gift certificate to The Cellar Homebrew supply (beer and bread, I'm seeing a theme.) And the proverbial thistle on the haggis: A New Kilt! The Mocker! Gonna wear it in to work tomorrow, I'll post the responses.
The Missus did well as well: the perennial Macy's card, a swank pair of leather and cashmere gloves, a can of cheese whiz...er...I mean Cougar Gold Cheese (Cougars! The things a Husky will do for the one he loves), a trio of vintage Christmas candles and the surprise gift: a watercolor class from the continuing ed. catalog! Should be fun.

Merry Christmas Everybody! (loo loo la loo loo...)