Saturday, December 03, 2005

List thread

Post your Christmas lists here.
My list:
a time machine so I can go back and buy gold at $300 oz.
"The Acts of Jesus" Robert Funk et al ... out of print so those in cities w/ good used bookstores start looking. Hint: half priced books ain't go it...
Depeche Mode has a new cd
thats it for now I guess

Friday, December 02, 2005

X-mas time again

So just so everyone's on the same page:
Hawaii brother is engaged, wedding in October 2006.
California brother is engaged, high probablitiy of elopement.
Seattle sister and her partner pulled off their first Thanksgiving in their new home. Aside from the turkey taking it's own sweet time to come to temperature, a festive and Thanksgivingly time was had by all.
NYC brother is finding out that a Degree from the French Culinary Inst. and $3 will get you a danish from Starbucks... Apparently despite being a nation of "big boned" people the pastry/chocolatier world is not the booming bubble like the housing market. Which is surprising really, big people more homes more neighborhood more local bakeries right?

ps blogging, like presidenting, is hard work....