Saturday, December 13, 2008

the death of hustle

You, entering the crosswalk while it already been blinking "don't walk" for like ten times, pick up the pace a bit. Hey bicyclist riding down the middle of the street, take it outta second will ya? What the hell? If you don't want to get where you going why did you leave in the first place?
I tell ya we could you a man like Pete Rose again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ho...Ho...Ho...sounds like someone is getting the Christmas Spirit. You think it's bad on the streets, wait 'til you get to the parking lot at the mall.

Mon Dec 15, 08:47:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You ain't kidding. One day I'm going to end up mowing down a lazy jay walker. "Sorry officer I never saw him. Maybe if he had been in a marked crosswalk or moving a little faster..."

No way I'm going to sign this comment

Wed Dec 17, 06:08:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about if you ain't going to hustle you get the @#&%^?! outta the freaking way. You know I'm well on my way to being a cantankerous old man.

Thu Dec 18, 10:14:00 AM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and now that it's snowed in Seattle "hey moran standing in the road looking to see if the bus is coming inertia is not your friend!". If hit ice even at 15 mph you will lose

Thu Dec 18, 10:30:00 PM PST  

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