Sunday, July 27, 2008

Mutual of Duckabush's Wild Kingdom

Since the cabin is done! our trip blogs are going to become "animal watch and casino winnings" This weekend it was four deer and not a the same time either. One on the road up to the cabin, turned a corner and she just bounced into the trees. One (possibly the same one, all the does look alike) at about 5 in the morning. She was 20 feet away at the outside. I opened up the tent flaps and she did this "Ah! People!" and then ate some grass and then looked up again "Ah! People!" and then ate some grass... Apparently if you are not holding a gun and don't look like a mountain lion they don't seem to care much. The next two were later that morning, it was either two yearlings, one brown one gray, or a doe and a gray yearling but they were on the rock and were again with the "Ah! People!...mmm tasty grass...ah! People!" They are also really noisy too.

The elk herd was at the mouth of the Hamma Hamma. We didn't think there were any because we didn't see any other cars parked off the side so we didn't slow down. But as we went by we saw them so we pulled off on the other side of the river which is why it's such a long range photo.

Casino: $58 on a penny machine for me and the Missus came out a few bucks up too. Any winnings are always better than in the red.


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