Sunday, December 09, 2007

Challah back girl!

'Tis challah time! Recipe courtsey of our good friend Shel, who's actually Jewish! except for the whole "mmm bacon" part... He brought a loaf to a potluck a year ago or so and we've been fixated on it since (Click here) He even sent us the recipe but it disappeared! And then one day while cleaning the office, like manna from Heaven, there it was! So I made up a loaf yesterday and today we had French toast. So good! Now I'm going to lie on the couch for several hours and recover. Mazaltov!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can make french toast, but what's the recipe for the challah??

Sun Dec 09, 04:44:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll make a copy. Don't want to post it on the tubes, then everyone will steal it.

Sun Dec 09, 05:43:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that'd be great - email if that's easiest, otherwise i'll pick up a copy next time we see you at chef liao's :-)

Mon Dec 10, 07:12:00 AM PST  

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