Sunday, September 30, 2007

Fall - a time for soup and bread

Staring at the first 24 hour rain storm of the season I felt inspired to do a little baking. So I pulled out my cloth lined bread raising bowl and Pepin's Complete Technique for the country loaves recipe and set to work...

That's after the first rise in the cloth bowl, giving a little pat down before cutting and shaping. I dug out the old baguette pan, made the rectangles and folded and pinched just like Julia said to do. (Jacques was not as helpful "make into baguettes..." ah right) 2 pounds of flour made enough for the baguettes and a pair of round loaves, one of which I popped into the wicker bowl for the second rise. It's clearer on the finished loaf...

And 30 minutes later some tasty crusty bread. The wicker bowl was heavily floured and made a nice pattern on the crust. I unfortunately kind of over handled the loaf so it lost a bit of rise. Next time I'll have a clearer plan of action.

And soup always goes good with bread so Coral made a corn, red pepper and purple potato chowder. The picture doesn't do it justice. Sweet yellow corn, red peppers, leeks, potatoes and just wee touch of cream.

So a nice hardy fall supper that used up a lot of farm share stuff and we're already down an entire baguette.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks good. Couple of suggestions: make fewer but deeper cuts (baguette - 4 or 5, boule - 2 in each direction), and put some flour in a fine strainer and dust the loaves just before they go in the oven.

A little fresh butter, cheese or chocolate and it's the breakfast of champions.

Thu Oct 04, 06:33:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

unfortunately the dough was a little sticky and it grabbed the blade. Also it's tough to get the right angle when they're in the baguette pan. Next time I'm just using that for the second rise and turning it out onto the peel.

Sat Oct 06, 10:38:00 AM PDT  

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