Sunday, February 04, 2007

FDR vs. the losers we have now

So just for curiosity I looked up an old FDR fireside chat to see what politicans were saying during previous wars; was it a bunch of "We're's onto victory! and if you what better fuel milage you're not with us!" claptrap? Not by a mile. In this one talk there's more substance than in 6 years of the Bush scion's blabberings.
Read it here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

except for the part where fdr says "Japs" - pretty classy speech

Mon Feb 05, 07:25:00 AM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah that was the one sticker in it. I suppose it's still a step above laughing at people on death row.

Mon Feb 05, 11:29:00 AM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

true, but that's setting the bar pretty low. also, that was me who posted earlier. guess i didn't get it quite right: it wasn't under my id....

Mon Feb 05, 02:41:00 PM PST  

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