Friday, December 29, 2006

Saddam Hussein

Breaking news: CNN is reporting Saddam Hussein has be executed. Sic semper former US puppet dicators.
( I bet Noriega is counting his blessings...)

update: in an odd (very odd) way it is about the only end that he could of expected: the US put him in power, supported him, took him down a peg when needed, took him out (to serve some truly bizarre purpose that as far as I can tell only Bush and Cheney know), and finally was tried, convicted, sentenced and executed all to serve the current administration's purposes. A company man to the end.


Blogger happyguy said...

Several different comments

Dead men tell no tales.

Mission Accomplished. So now we can leave right?

Why didn't Saddam mention that he had bought the gas from the US? Or maybe he did and that part never got translated?

Why didn't his trial take place at the Hague? (s/p?)

The media was reporting that there was not a spike in violence after his the normal 60~100 Iraqi and a handful of US dead a day was somehow "normal"

Tue Jan 02, 10:34:00 AM PST  

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