Sunday, April 30, 2006

A great time

Another great meal at The Stumbling Goat. The Missus' had her usual pan roasted chicken for the main course (hard to fault going for excellence everytime) but her appetizer was the halibut cheeks, simply seared off in butter over mizuna. Simply superb. I had the oven roasted cauliflower. I've had roasted cauliflower before; it could be the best way to serve it. It looses any 'vegetal' notes and becomes sweet, carmelized, complex dish, a real eye-opener. And speaking of eye opening, Wagyu beef. Grass fed, free range from Williamson Farm's. Unlike any beef I've had. It was beefy but at the same time not beef. Tender and rich but where before I avoided beef fat this was more pork like (nothing like pork in taste but that same savory smoothness, not chewy or grislely) The missus liken it more to venison; perhaps the same grass fed, natural diet carries through for both venison and beef. Served with black truffled mashed potatoes and fiddlehead ferns. Complimented by a particularly spicy Pinot Noir (Oregon 2004, forgot the maker)
A dinner of new experiences all around.
I'll post deserts later, gotta go catch some zzzzzz.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Duece Anniversary

Wed May 03, 01:46:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You ate cauliflower!! I can't believe you ate cauliflower. I could never get it past your little clenched teeth. ARGGGHH.I guess my mistake was not roasting it.

Thu May 04, 08:31:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey blogger guy,I thought you were going to write about your dinner at Marche' so I could remember what I ate and drank.

Tue Jun 06, 07:53:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i asked him about it too. i guess he's still catching some zzzzzs....

Tue Jun 20, 11:27:00 AM PDT  

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