The end of the Several States?
So thanks to precedent set by the US Civil War, the whatever admendment that made senators elected by the people and not state legistatures and the modern communication system I humbly propose an admendment to the constitution making all senators elected by the whole of the US population. It would make it so much easier to boot out DINO's like Lieberman and Biden. Discuss...
But would it really? Supposedly a majority voted for the (p)Resident, so is it conceivable that the majority would vote for someone like Santorum?? Floridians evidently don't care much for Harris, but if it were up to Faux News viewers, would they vote for her?? I used to think voters would know better, but they've consistently proved me wrong....
Repeal the 17th Amendment. It was added to serve big business. Repealing it really would make politics local again.
Check out the brain on happyguy, so he really was paying attention in US History class :D
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