Super Bowl XL
Well let me be the first to congratulate Bill Leavy for the winning the MVP award for Pittsburgh. Admittedly it's a bit unusual for the referee to win the award that normally goes to a player but as John Madden says "Anything can happen in the Super Bowl."
As someone who could not care less about the "Super"bowl, I do have to say: You wuz robbed. Twice. (Maybe more but I could only stand to watch so much.)
But after being robbed did the 'hawks really have to roll over and die?
if you need to dull the pain of the superbowl, i suggest going to the link below and watching the video. the pain you will experience will be so great, the seahawks loss will seem like a small scratch.
Just would the Steeler fans react if those calls had gone the other way? Nuff said.
That was bullsh*t on a stick.
Last year it was the Eagles, this year the Hawks. Gotta stop rooting for birds, I guess, if you don't want your heart broken....
Saw a guy at the mall today who had on a t-shirt that said, "f*** the Steelers and the BUS they rode in on." Except it had letters not *s. He didn't look too happy, either.
Last year I was very disappointed, the Eagles got out played. This year I'm livid, the Hawks got ripped off. I just wish I had tickets to the ProBowl behind the uprights so I could make a banner that had a zebra with a #12 on the back and a terrible towel in the pocket....or something like that. Still haven't ruled out doing something down by the Ilikai (The NFL buys out the Ilikai for ProBowl) Ideas? Keep it legal
umm, what's "the Bus"?
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