Wednesday, December 14, 2005

I'm not a Christian but I play one on Sundays...

OK so I'm not going to talk about religious affliation; what I do want to do is add my 2 bits (2 cents adjusted for inflation...) on the lastest hubb-bub. This year much has been bantied about in the broadcast media and the internets about the so called "War on Christmas." I'm not clear on the details but apparently it has something to do with "Seasons" greetings, "Holiday trees" and George Soros. The brave general leading the "War on the War on Christmas" is Bill O'Reilly. So what we have is an Irish Catholic foaming at the mouth about a Secular Jew coming to take Christmas away. (Personally I figured Bill would wait until Easter; the symbolism works better then... anywho...) This actually is just another version of the Right-wing's business plan: Whip up the Religious conservatives/fundementalists into to a tizzy, beg for votes/money, get elected/take gobs of cash to bank, enact none of their pet issues into law, give huge tax breaks/refunds to self, retire. Not a bad plan actually. You can only serve one master $$$$ or YHWH. It's pretty clear which the current Republicans in office worship.
Updated for spelling errors


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who the F*** listens to that guy?!?? Even if you're a right wing nutjob he's annoying as all Hell

Mon Dec 19, 10:45:00 AM PST  

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