Cry Havoc and let slip the chihuahua's of war
So between Rep. Jean Schmidt calling Rep. Murtha, ex-Marine and Vietnam vet. a coward and Dear Leader saying we are staying the course in Iraq (who's we paleface?) AND the Pentagon drawing up plans to begin troop withdrawls starting next year I think they are laying down the ground work for a "declare victory and pull out" tactic.
Halliburton got their loot, no reason to hang around any longer....
Halliburton got their loot, no reason to hang around any longer....
macaroons were never that good anyway
you've never had pierre herme's macaroons...
Pierre Herme? Isn't that the place Oprah got locked out of?
no, that was Hermes. one makes overpriced scarves and bags, the other overpriced pastries. although, if i ran a pastry shop and saw oprah headed my way...
ps - can you change to post tags to include the date, not just the time. it's getting hard to tell who said what when.
the blog's been in existance for like a week and already the masses are agitating for changes...
or at least the occasional update
"agitating for change" -- ooo that's bad news for those running the blog, er place.
and what's with the "type this word" deal -- is someone keeping track of us???
It keeps out comment spam programs...
Dude, how 'bout some updates
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